D e s i r e : the identification of wants or needs and the decision to act
B e l i e f : inner reinforcement to propel one to obtain the desire
W i l l : movement and active focus - real energy - expended to achieve desire
Meditation + Ceremony
Alexandra has practiced meditation and ceremonial magick for more than ten years. She incorporates meditation in all of her sessions and classes as a way to guide you back into stillness and contact with spirit. Ceremony, and mainly ceremonial magick is a part of many classes and workshops Alexandra leads. Magick is “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." One of her passions is creating sacred altar spaces. Alexandra reminds us that our body is our most sacred altar with our heart, mind and soul tools to access the divine within us and around us.
However, creating a sacred altar space and using different divination tools is a way to amplify ceremonial magick and ritual. Alexandra offers private ceremonies for individuals or groups which is a potent way to sit in complete intention and co-creation with the divine. Together you will meet to chat about your intention for the ceremony and Alexandra will create and plan a beautiful altar space with a magickal ritual, blessing and a guided energy healing meditation created specifically for you and your desires. These ceremonies are a powerful way to focus, release, process, and heal while fueling and utilizing your energy. A take home kit is provided after the session for you to continue unveiling your magick.
A few types of blessing and ceremonies are :
-Mother Blessing (a blessing and ceremony for a mother to be with her sacred circle of friends/family)
-House cleansing/blessing
-Sacred Union (couples ceremony)